General Information
Colour Key to Fixtures
All matches / fixtures are shown in date order with Men’s matches on the left in BLUE, Ladies’ matches on the right in RED, Mixed matches / Competitions in the centre in GREEN (or BLACK – for Special events)
Dress Code
Grey below the waist & white above the waist should be worn for casual play and club drives. Club colours and whites should be worn for club matches & some Representative games. Friday night Triples League is MUFTI (But strictly no jeans)
Monday Aggregate
Discs down by 2.00pm, play starts at 2.15pm. Note: on Monday Bank Holidays or match days, aggregate will be held on Tuesday.
Thursday Aggregate
Discs down by 9.45am, play starts at 10.00am.
Friday Triples League
Please note that the start time is 6.00pm. However the start time is earlier at the beginning & end of season. Please see the fixture card for details.
Drives can be held on any weekend when there is enough free rink space discs down by 2.15pm, play starts at 2.30pm. [See details in fixture list]
Casual Play
Roll-ups/practice sessions etc. can be played whenever there is available rink space but they do not take precedence over organised games/matches/ or drives etc.
Green Sessions
Monday 12.00pm 2.00pm & 6.00pm Tuesday 10.00am 2.00pm & 6.00pm Wednesday 11.00am 2.00pm & 6.00pm Thursday 10.00am 2.00pm & 6.00pm Friday 11.00am 2.00pm & 6.00pm Saturday 10.00am 2.00pm & 6.00pm Sunday 10.00am 2.00pm & 6.00pm
Before play each morning, if there are any Worm casts or Dew on the green, it MUST be swished to remove them. Also before play check the rink calendar in the visitors changing room to ensure the markers are on the correct colour.