Club Competitions

The 2024 Club Competitions.
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The 2023 Club Competitions.
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 Purley Bury Bowling Club
Rules for Club Competitions

 Amended April 2019 (Will be revised for 2024

1. All entries shall be in writing on the form provided and must be submitted to the Hon. Secretary by not later than 12.30hrs on the day of registration for the current season.

2. The draw shall be made by the Competition Secretary the Ladies & Men’s Captains or their nominees. The option to hold a public draw or not is down to the Competition Secretary. The following considerations shall apply. Handicap Events: - Handicaps will be in accordance with the list issued by the Handicapping Sub-Committee. For Pairs, the two handicaps will be combined, e.g. 6 and 2 = 8.

3. It shall be the responsibility of the player (or pair) shown in the top half of the match bracket on the schedule, to initiate contact with the opponent (s) to arrange the fixture. The challenger shall offer at least TWO weekday dates PLUS one weekend date on which those challenged have no previous commitment for club matches or competitions already arranged.

4. The challenge must be made within 72 Hours of commencement date of each round i.e. date when previous round ends. Failure to do so, means that your opponent may choose dates & time.

5. Every round must be completed by the scheduled date. Any player (s) failing to complete a round by the scheduled date, both players will be eliminated from the competition. If a walkover has been conceded, then a note to that effect must be given to the Competition Secretary. If it can be shown to the Competition Secretary that an exceptional reason has occurred to make play impossible, then an extension of up 7 days may be given. Please note: Holidays will not be regarded as an acceptable reason for an extension.

6. All Club Matches and Surrey Comps take precedence over club competitions.

7. It is the responsibility of the challenger to supply a marker. It is preferred that you use a registered Club Marker. “Relatives of the challenger can only mark with the agreement of their opponents.

8. A player or players in any competition having prior knowledge of any commitment which precludes participation in the Quarter, Semi, or Final stages of a competition must declare such a commitment and withdraw from the competition before the Quarter final stage (notice to be given to the Club Captain).

9. The following rules shall govern the procedure of play :-

a) lt is the responsibility of the marker to ensure that the match is played according to the Club Rules in conjunction with the Laws of the Game.

b) For each match, a scorecard shall be used showing the title of the competition, name of each player, the date of play, the rink number and where applicable, the handicap of each player or pair, written at the top of the scorecard.

c) The final score must be clearly shown at the foot of the running totals, following which, the card should be signed by both players or skips (in pairs or triples).

d) Two trial ends for every competition.

e) In Singles, the winner shall be the first player to score 21 shots.

f) In Pairs and the Two-wood Singles the winner shall be the player to have the highest scores after 21 ends. lf at 21 ends the score is level, then an extra end shall be played until there is a winner.

g) ln Handicap Singles the winner must score 21 shots. Each player should work off his handicap but common-sense dictates that, for example, if a 6 bowler is playing against a 3 bowler then the 3 bowler starts at -3 and the 6 bowler starts at scratch.

h) ln Handicap Pairs the difference in handicaps will be shown on the first end of the 21 end game. The player with the highest handicap MUST skip, if both have same handicap, either person may skip.

i) 100 up Competition. The winner shall be the first Player to reach 100 points, after all counting woods have been taken into count. lf there should be a tie at 100/100 then an extra end(s) shall be played until there is a winner. The player with the shot gets the mat for the next end. Scoring: Shot = 4 points, 2nd = 3 points, 3rd = 2 points, 4th = 1 point. If There is a tie for 1st, 2nd or 3rd wood then the available points shall be split to each player. e.g. 1st & 2nd = 7 points, so split is 3 1/2 points each.

j) The Senior Cup is open to all members who have reached the age of 70 on 1 May in the current season.

k) The Junior Cup is open to all those on a handicap of 8 or more.

l) The Drawn Triples entries will be split into 3 groups Leads / Twos / Skips. The team must play in the order it was drawn.

10. The winner or winning skip is responsible for placing the correctly completed scorecard in the container provided. Only the Competition Secretary is permitted to write on the Competition Schedule.

11. Club Competitions may only be played if rink space available on the day.

12. You may only play a Club Competition when a Club Match or Representative game is on, by gaining the permission of the Competition Secretary, or the Captain of the day.

13. Substitutes: - In the event of a player in the Handicap pairs or Drawn triples competition being unable, through good reason, to play within the prescribed time, another member may be substituted with the permission of the Competition Secretary, as long as the substitute has not already entered or played in the relevant competition and does not have a more favourable handicap than the player that he/she is replacing.
 The substitute may only play in the position that the substituted player previously held. lf the substitute plays for more than one round, then he/she will be classed as permanent. Only one substitution is allowed per team.

For all other competitions Except Singles one substitute is permitted provided they have not previously played in / or entered the competition.

14.The Competition Secretaries decision is Final.