In order to reduce the number of duties It has been agreed with the Club Captain that ESL main league matches will now be DIY. The Captain of the day will nominate 2 players to clear away the used glasses and put them in the glass cleaner.
1. Please check the rink book to ensure games are scheduled for that evening. If there are no bookings there is no need to attend.
2. If you are unable to do your scheduled duty please swap with someone else on the rota and amend the copy in tha bar.
3. Once open you are responsible for the bar unless another responsible member says they are happy to close up when they leave.
4. Please ensure used glasses are placed in the glass cleaner and any lipstick marks removed.
5. Please ensure the bar is stocked from the supplies in the store cupboard.
6. Dave Candeland will arrange training for anyone new to the rota or feels they need a refresher.
7. The till is securely locked away. Finally you must always ensure that the club is locked & alarmed if you are on the evening duty.
Steve Cooke is our Bar manager if you have any difficulties that you can not resolve please contact him.