Each team will consist of 3 rinks and must have a member of each gender. Failure to do this will result in the offending rink being deducted 25% of their score. One shot on the first two ends only. If an end is killed three shots are awarded to the non offending side, even if it happens on the first two ends. A maximum of 16 ends to be played, however the last jack must be cast by 16:20 and 18:50. Team fielding a shortage of players – EXISTING DONYNGS RULES APPLY. Cards are to be kept by the skips and returned to Sandra Humphreys at the end of the game. The event organiser will be the official umpire on the day and their decision is final. Two points are awarded per winning rink and 4 points for an overall win. 10 points therefore available. Dress code is club shirts and greys, except for the finals.
If at the end of your 6 games you are in the top two of your group, you will be asked to play in the final in March.
You can get a copy of the Spitfire rules 2022 here.