
Shortmat Competitions - Addresses Participating Clubs

Keston (played at 16:00 PM)
132 Heathfield Road, Keston, Kent BR2 6BF
Contact - Brian Ede, 020 8777 5239
Email Brianede53@hotmail.com
Start Time 4.00pm Tuesdays

New Addington (played at 19:15 PM)
New Addington Leisure & Community Centre, 88 Central Parade, New Addington CR0 0JB
Contact - John Andrews 07484 756575
Email johnandrews684@btinternet.com
Start Time 7.15pm Wednesdays

Bloomfield (played at 14:00 PM)
Woodmansterne Village Hall, Carshalton Road, Woodmansterne, SM7 3HR
Not the easiest place to find first time as it’s easy to drive past. It’s on the right travelling down Carshalton Road from the Woodmansterne Lane end. It’s not far before you get to the T junction at the end. If you reach the T junction turn around and it’s a short distance back on your left.
Contact - Ray Pothecary 01737 668361
Email jandrpoth@hotmail.com
Start Time 7.00pm Mondays

Shirley (played at 18:00 PM)
Parish Hall, 79 Wickham Road, Croydon CR0 8TB
From Trinity roundabout about 60 yards after The Crown pub which is on the right, the Hall is on the left.
Contact - Lawrie Rendle 020 8777 5869 07715 403075
Email lawrie.rendle@btinternet.com
Start Time 6.00 for 6.30pm Thursdays

U3A (Caterham) (played at 15:00 PM)
Queen’s Park Pavilion, Caterham on the Hill, Caterham CR3 5RB
Contact - Roger 07467 947129
Email roger158@btinternet.com
Start time Tuesday 2:30pm

Warlingham Short Mat (play at 13:15 PM)
399, Limpsfield Road, Warlingham,  Surrey, CR6 9HA
. (///loose.worker.nuns)
Warlingham Church Hall is in a central  location on Warlingham Green facing the war memorial and next to Coughlans Bakery.
Email: Ian Atkinson (bic3ten-rgleague@yahoo.com)

West Wickham (GatesGreen) (play at 13:15 PM)
The Assembly Halls, 18 Gates Green Road, West Wickham, BR4 9JW
Phone: 020 8462 5208
Contact - Graham Lancaster
email: g.lancaster586@btinternet.com
Start time various