
Our Tours

As a club we have been touring since 1988, previous to which many of our members having been on bowls tours with other clubs. Janet and George Jalfon, who having toured with the Croydon MOs 1987, felt that we as a club should be able to promote our own tour and took the initiative in organising our first tour to Bournemouth. It was so successful they followed up by organising a further four tours. Derek Cook then took over the reigns of tour organiser for the following six years. The tour this coming year to Torquay will make it the sixth tour organised by Ian O’Neill. Our tours have been well supported by many of our past and present club members and since 1996 we have had a regular group from the Croydon MOs joining us.

Our Tour Mascot(s)
One of our most memorable tours was Tenby 2000, during which the Hotel Clarence held a raffle for a local children’s charity. It was £1 a go where you had to choose a name from a list of 200 boys and girls names, the prize being a cuddly lamb. The winning name being Henry (hence our mascot HENRY).Up to our return to Tenby in 2006 Henry sat at the end of our highest losing rink with the highest losing skip of the day having to look after him until the next match. Every club we have played on tour since 2000 have pinned their club badge on Henry.
On our return to Tenby in 2006 this practise was reversed, so the highest winning team would have Henry sitting at the end of their rink, as another mascot was bought by a group of 2006 tourists (a red dragon, GRIFF), who has taken the role of sitting at the end of the highest losing rink and he also has the club badges of where we have played since 2006 pinned to him.

Henry and Griff on those Green, Green Hills (at PBBC).